Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Assignment 6-Action Photography

         After a week off to study art history, photography class is back to its regular schedule. This means that this assignment is due on Friday, October 1st. Since we have completed the composition section of this course, it is time to move onto a new section of photography. This week's project is focusing on Action Photography. This can also be referred to as stop action photography and fast shutter speed photography. Even though this class is no longer specifically focusing on composition, I am expecting you to apply what you have learned about composition to your projects for the rest of the semester.

        The goal of this assignment is to crisply stop motion in a photograph.The person or object that is in motion should be clearly in focus. The key to accomplishing this is to use a high shutter speed. The recommended speed for an action photo is 1/250 of a second. If you don't have manual settings on your camera, I would suggest that you use a sports setting. The sports setting of your camera automatically sets your shutter at a higher speed.

       Have fun and use creativity to accomplish this project. Practice is key to accomplishing action photography.

      Remember this project is due Friday, October 1st. Below are several amazing examples of what a fast shutter speed can accomplish:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Assignment 5- Repetition (and Variety) in Photography

A common element of composition used in photography is Repetition. This can be seen specifically in commercial photography for advertising. Sometimes photographers just repeat a specific element; other times they will add variety to their photograph for added contrast. For example, they may line up three apples and an orange.

Repetition is found every where. Take a minute and look around to discover what your eye has not seen previously.

As you are shooting your photographs for this assignment, remember to include other elements of composition that you have applied to previous projects.




Friday, September 3, 2010

Assignment 4- Framing in Photography

Framing is an easy way to bring focus and interest to one's photos. When framing, one should pick an object in the foreground which can border and add interest to an object in the background. Framing will very quickly direct the viewer's focus to a certain area in the photograph. Make sure that your choice of framing adds to picture instead of distracts and confuses.

Be creative and think outside of the box! Below are several examples that you can use as inspiration:

