Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assignment 9- IMA Composition Photos

In honor of our field trip to the IMA, I would like you to post your three favorite photos from the trip. Please make sure that they are compositionally strong, and that you include at least 1 artist statement.

Check out the IMA's website and the resources that are provided:


Assignment 8- Backlighting

This is a late post. Last Friday, two backlighting photos and one artist statement was due. Backlighting is a technique where a photographer utilitzes the light from behind their subject.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Assignment 7- Action Photography (Part 2)

This week's project is nearly the same as last weeks. The focus is high shutter speed used to capture stopped action. Since you have had a week to work on this already, this week I want you to challenge yourself creatively and compositionally. Make this project better than your previous action shots.

This project is due October 8th. You must have two photographs and one artist statement.